

While Social media has made it easier for businesses to connect to their clients and customers, it has

also created an overabundance of messages. In 2020 over 3 billion social media users worldwide

reported using social media to research and buy products. How do you make your business and your

messages stand out?

Easy. Be authentic. Talk to your audience and tell your story. Some of the most successful companies

temper their sales messages with conversations, stories, and engagements about their company. And as

more companies turn to social media to talk to customers, the most successful ones are telling their

stories with more conversations and fewer sales messages.

So how do you do it?

Tell your story. Talk about your team. Talk about how your products are made. Share your values.

Engage. Your followers and fans want to talk with you, not just read your messages. Ask questions,

listen, and respond. Keep it conversational.

Pick your lane. Find the right platforms for your business and stay there. You can’t be everywhere all

the time.

Keep at it. Be consistent in tone, content, and style.

Talk to your community. Interact with other local businesses, share their content, too.

Ease up on the pitch. Not every message has to be a sales message or include a call to action.

Sometimes the most meaningful and honest messages are the best.

Be brave.

Be consistent.


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