Be Brave.


As a business owner, you know that change is inevitable. And there will be times when things don't work out the way you want. 

My best advice is to be brave.  

As our own team grinding through the process of a visual rebrand, we remind ourselves every day to make courageous decisions. Accepting change is one thing, but initiating change takes guts.

You can’t embrace progress if you don’t embrace change.

Our own rebranding process is helping me connect even better with my clients. I totally get their anxieties. What if I screw up? What if things turn out worse than before? What if everybody hates the new look? It really hurts to give up the comfort of something familiar in exchange for something different – even the different thing is better.

Our rebranding process is also helping me connect with my own brand. Taking the time to identify our strategic North Star gave us the confidence to take risks. And the courage to make confident decisions.

We now feel empowered to be more drastically who we already were. That’s an outcome I want for all my clients.


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