The Why Shapes Your Business


Great branding is about a lot more than great design. It’s about finding a message and a voice that will inspire you as a business owner to get out of bed every morning to bring great things to the world.

You know what you do, and you know how you do it, so why aren’t you getting the desired outcome when it comes to your branding? The answer is much more straightforward than you might think.

Consider the following scenarios:

Actor 1 becomes an actor because, well, it’s a great way to meet women.

Actor 2 becomes an actor because they believe that they can change the hearts and minds of others through meaningful stage or cinema by engaging in projects that turn on the empathy switches of others. Helping them and move about the world in a better and more meaningful way.

Which one is the most likely to succeed? The answer is a no-brainer. Actor 1 will find some dates but will be left scratching his head as to why the auditions aren’t coming. Actor 2 will find or create great acting gigs.

Your intentions deliver. Becoming clear about your “why” is the single most important task you can perform for your brand. But many owners don’t know that. They have been focused on the “what” and the “how” but haven’t thought about or found a way to articulate their “why”. The “why” is the reason they come to Brand Wolfe to begin with, although they don’t know it yet.

Effective brand messaging will communicate the cause, purpose and belief that drive your enterprise. This will better attract like-minded individuals to you. Knowing and speaking to what you believe in lets others know where the bus is going. And if they believe what you believe, they'll get on board and go with you.


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Finding Inspiration